About Us
Who we are
The Sworn Officers' Professional Association of Australia (SOPAA) is a professional association whose principal purpose is to protect and promote the interests of members in matters concerning their employment or professional engagement. No membership fees are used to support any political party (including the ALP), so we are able to source and/or provide representation for all members, on all issues, better than our competitors.
What we believe
The Sworn Officers' Professional Association of Australia is a group of police officers wanting an alternate voice to the QPA. They wanted to join 10's of thousands of other workers who had decided to form independent associations under the Red Union banner.
SOPAA supports:
- A police officer involved in a critical incident (such as where a death occurred) being represented by a solicitor rather than a union delegate, as a delegate can be compelled to give evidence against the member
- Safety and wellbeing of members - ensuring that if assaults or abuse occur, members are supported through the appropriate channels
- Staffing shortages - SOPAA has serious concerns about the staffing shortages we are seeing, particularly in the prison systems in WA where shortages have previously contributed to riots.
- EB Negotiations - Representing our members in EB negotiations to ensure our member’s best interests are expressed